Sparkling water fanatic. Lover of random crap. Goodreads member curious to see if the grass really is greener on the other side.
How I Rate Books
5 Stars - Personal favorite; my reading nirvana. These books are rare to me because I like to reserve the top spot for books which resonated in a way that very few books can.
4.5 Stars - Very close to a 5 star and quite possibly still a favorite. One small thing held me back from giving the book top honor.
4 Stars - Really liked this book and in most cases would recommend it for the target audience.
3.5 Stars - Slightly above average. I liked the read, but couldn't fully commit to the enthusiasm.
3 Stars - Book was average/standard/okay. My thoughts are probably somewhere in the middle of good and bad. If there was enough promise shown for the first book of a series, I might continue the series. There's a chance I'd still recommend the book, based on who the target audience is.
2.5 Stars - This book fell just short of decent. I don't necessarily dislike it as a whole, but my feelings might be somewhere along the lines of "meh."
2 Stars - I either mildly disliked the book as a whole, or I really liked some parts of the book while hating other parts of the book.
1.5 Stars - Hated overall, but still found at least one or two positive things to say about the book.
1 Star - It was just awful. Period.